
QNet Provides Online Learning to Underprivileged Students in Ghana


Last year, QNET Ghana, through its Corporate Social Responsibility arm, RYTHM Foundation, provided 50 Kindle e-readers which were pre-loaded with 100 culturally-relevant books each for students in Nima, a large slum within the city of Accra, Ghana. It was a project in partnership with Worldreader, a global literacy non-profit organization and Achievers Ghana, an educational social enterprise.



18-year-old Edith from Navrongo, Ghana first heard about Worldreader mobile from a friend who volunteered with Worldreader. Ever since then, she has read over 200 stories on the app. Reading particularly matters to Edith because it will help her become a successful woman in the future.

Worldreader Digital Reading Summit 2015 – Immerse Yourself in the Digital Era


Worldreader, a global literacy nonprofit organization, has organized the Digital Reading Summit for the past two years in Africa. The purpose of this conference is to bring together publishers, e-reader project managers, educational professionals, non-profit organizations, and government officials, interested in building the future of digital reading.

Mobile Devices, New Partnerships Boost Worldreader


In 2014, two new reports showed how Worldreader’s digital reading efforts can effectively boost literacy rates, and how a reading culture can flourish in the developing world thanks to the march of mobile technology and some generous new publisher partnerships.