People Reading on Mobile Phones in Zimbabwe: 3,771
People Reading on E-Readers in Zimbabwe: 2,860
Book Languages Available: Chichewa, English, Shona, Tonga, Tswana, Lozi, Zulu (source: Ethnologue)
Zimbabwe Population: 13 Million
Zimbabwe GDP: $11 Billion
Languages Spoken: Chibarwe, Chichewa, English, Kalanga, Tsoa, Nambya, Ndau, NdebeleShow More, Tsonga, Shona, Sesotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, isiXhosa, Dombe, Kunda, Lozi, Manyika, Nsenga, Zulu, Tswa (source: Ethnologue)
Adult Literacy Rate in Zimbabwe: 86.5%
Learn about our e-reader programs in Zimbabwe:
King George VI Centre & School

Location: Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Sponsoring Organization: King George VI Centre & School
Launch Date: May 2013
Approximate number of students and teachers: 345 students and 20 teachers
Number of devices: 50 Wi-Fi Kindles
Students’ grade level: Primary & Secondary
Types of books: Storybooks and reference materials
Deployment model: E-readers in a library/learning center
Students take devices home: Yes
The Story: The King George VI Centre provides rehabilitation and boarding facilities to physical disabled children and deaf children from the ages of 3 to 20 years. The school and center were opened in 1957, initially for the treatment of polio patients. Originally set up for 50 children, we now have 345 students with physical disabilities. We practice an integration inwards system so we also have a few non-disabled children, mainly from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. 30% of our children, as well as being disabled are also orphans and we claim that 80% or our children are vulnerable. A good education is their best hope for the future. We believe that every child has some strength and talent and it is our mission to find that strength and develop it to its full potential. Our Motto is “Never Give Up!”
Murewa Primary Schol

Location: Murewa District, East Mashonalad, Zimbabwe
Sponsoring Organization: United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
Launch Date: March 2016
Approximate number of students and teachers: 1500 students and 46 teachers
Number of devices: 75 Kindle 7s
Students’ grade level: Lower & Upper Primary
Types of books: Storybooks, learning materials, and reference materials
Deployment model: Classroom
Students take devices home: No
The Story: Murewa Primary School first opened its doors to primary school pupils in 1909. The school is situated on a large piece of land that also houses a secondary school, a church, and staff quarters. The idea of e-reading was first introduced in March 2015 when Volunteers in Mission spent a week at the school on a mission project, and brought a sample e-reader. The team realized that the school did not have a library or access to reading resources other than textbooks, which were expensive. The head teacher was very enthusiastic about what digital reading could do for the pupils and this was with just one sample device. This primary school of 1500 students does not have the resources to purchase books, especially books that are engaging for their level of reading and subjects of interest, so the introduction of e-readers is expected to make a huge impact.