
December 2022

Together with Open University in the UK, Worldreader worked to strengthen school leadership through an improvement science approach. School leaders and researchers worked together to design, implement and assess innovations to combat learning loss in their schools.

December 2022

In collaboration with the Municipal Education Office of Kwaebibirem, Worldreader established a digital reading program that reached 90 primary schools over three years. Teachers in the program successfully adopted e-readers into their classrooms, reporting improved digital skills and changes to their pedagogy.

October 2022

Together with Atlanta Habitat for Humanity, we're making affordable housing more accessible for families in under-resourced areas by introducing a new way for future homeowners to put sweat equity into their homes — reading on BookSmart.

September 2022

EdTech Hub studied how through Worldreader’s BookSmart application, Kenyan schools are using technology to improve parent and carers’ engagement with literacy learning in young readers.

July 2022

The Read with Us pilot in Sierra Leone has created a solution to support children through dynamic learning communities and digital reading during the COVID-19 pandemic.

July 2022

In response to COVID-19 school closures and learning loss, Worldreader and CARE Egypt partnered to support children’s learning outside the classroom. With BookSmart, daily reading time increased to 23 minutes, with over 99% of caregivers saying that they read more with their children.

June 2021

Worldreader, World Vision, and GRADE partnered to review the CreceLee digital reading project as it pivoted during the COVID-19 pandemic towards home-based reading. Young students and their families received education at home exclusively through mobile technology and Worldreader’s BookSmart reading application.

September 2021

A Journal of Development Effectiveness study involving Worldreader’s e-readers and digital books in Zambia has shown that the technology encourages girls to read more, improving their literacy and education rates.

April 2019

Worldreader, in collaboration with Society for All-Round Development (SARD), designed and deployed a Read to Kids digital reading program, which focused on improving early reading development with an emphasis on increased teacher, parental, and caregiver engagement.

February 2022

En Perú, CreceLee, un programa de lectura digital, promovió el acceso a la lectura y el aprendizaje durante el cierre de escuelas por el COVID-19 en 2020.

January 2022

Worldreader partnered with World Vision to provide students at under-resourced schools and community centers in America access to a digital library and a tracking strategy for children to set individual reading goals.

June 2021

A guide for libraries and community centers interested in launching digital reading programs to support their community.