Learnings | August 29, 2024

How Reading Families Can Make the Most of What Libraries Offer


Access to knowledge is foundational. For children and families around the world, the reading resources that libraries provide are crucial for long-term success.

Parent and two children reading together

There are few places as special as a library. With free access to a wealth of knowledge, countless resources, and a safe space for exploration, these spaces offer communities a place to grow. 

Libraries are more important than ever, especially for family reading. They provide access to books and foster a culture of learning, support, and togetherness that help set caregivers and children up for success throughout life.

Boundless free books

One of the most significant benefits of libraries is the vast selection of books available to families. The variety of free reading materials that libraries offer can be incredibly valuable for families that don’t have “book wealth,” or regular access to reading materials in their homes.

This is particularly important for families with children, as it enables parents to expose their kids to a wide range of genres, topics, and reading levels without worrying about the cost.

► Did you know that BookSmart offers thousands of free books at your fingertips?

Building a love of reading

Libraries can also encourage a love of reading, which has incredible benefits for children and caregivers. Library environments often have spaces tailored toward different age groups that help promote reading by creating an enjoyable atmosphere.

Family reading time in a library can also become a cherished routine, where parents and children bond over stories, discuss plots and characters, and share their love for books. This communal reading experience can nurture a lifelong love for reading in children. Reading provides long-term benefits, like increased earning potential, better academic results, and improved social-emotional outcomes.

Resources beyond pages

Libraries offer more than just books. They provide numerous resources that can support family reading and learning. Many libraries host events, reading programs, storytelling sessions, and book clubs specifically designed for children and families.

These activities make reading a fun and interactive experience and help children develop critical thinking, comprehension, and social skills.

Beyond books, libraries offer:

  • Reading challenges and events
  • Author readalouds
  • Audiobooks
  • E-books
  • Educational DVDs

All of which can complement traditional reading and cater to different learning styles within a family.

Creating a community of readers

Moreover, libraries can serve as vibrant community hubs where families can connect with others who share their love for books. Regular visits to the library can help children meet other young readers, exchange book recommendations, and participate in group activities that build their social skills. 

Additionally, libraries are a “third place,” somewhere where people can easily and regularly connect in a physical environment. For parents, libraries provide an opportunity to engage with other adults who are also invested in their children’s reading journey. This sense of community can be exceptionally valuable, offering support, encouragement, and shared experiences that enrich the family reading experience.

Libraries and support for parents

For parents, especially those who may not feel confident in their own reading abilities or those who are raising bilingual children, libraries offer essential support. Librarians are trained professionals who can recommend age-appropriate books, suggest reading strategies, and guide parents on how to engage their children in reading.

Many libraries also provide workshops and resources for parents on topics like early literacy development, reading aloud, and selecting books that match their child’s interests and reading level. This support empowers parents to be more effective reading role models and educators for their children.

Bridging the digital divide

While access to technology has grown over the years, not all families have the means to afford it. Libraries help bridge this gap by offering free access to computers, tablets, and the Internet for families who may not have these resources at home. Across the world, there are 368,792 libraries with Internet access. This ensures that children can engage with reading and learning, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

Digital platforms can also help close this gap. Resources like BookSmart, our free digital library that provides reading materials and activities for families around the world, expand what parents can do with their children.

All that libraries offer

Libraries are dynamic spaces with the unique ability to improve the lives of families across the world. From providing access to a wide range of books and resources to building a community, libraries play a vital role in nurturing a culture of reading within families. The library continues to celebrate child development and family engagement, promoting reading, learning, and togetherness.

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