Book DNA Quiz Winners . . . Are You One of Them?
Thank you for taking our Book DNA Quiz!
The lucky winners of five Kindles loaded with African books, a case and a light are (drum roll, please):
Congratulations Hayley, Tamara, Linda, Sahana and Shannon!
To claim your Kindles loaded with our best African books, please send an email to with the following information: full name, address (where we should ship the Kindle) and phone number. And if you know, tell us on Facebook or Twitter which African books are your favorites.
To everyone who participated, thank you for joining us in fighting illiteracy. Please keep spreading the word about #booksforall. Oh, and check out our Facebook page often! We have many more fun activities planned for the coming months. Who knows–maybe there’ll be another Kindle giveaway! :-)
* A special thank you to Easypromos for their help with this contest.