Booklists | February 4, 2022

13 Inspiring Children’s Books for Black History Month


Children's books for Black History Month Book Covers

This month, we’re excited to share these children’s books for Black History Month from the BookSmart library. These stories celebrate African American heroes and important milestones throughout Black history. They’re also free and easily accessible through any mobile device or desktop!

Why your child should read books about Black history

In the United States, the month of February has been dedicated to recognizing the amazing accomplishments of African Americans and their importance in shaping U.S. history. One of the best ways to honor these change-makers is by telling their stories. It ensures the legacy of these Black leaders lives on. 

Books about Black history expose children to important historic figures and events. Additionally, they push readers to reflect on African American identity and discuss issues like racism and discrimination. Diversifying your child’s library with books on race and inclusion not only expands their worldview, but can lead to valuable conversations in your home.

13 Black History Month books for children

There are many reasons to diversify your child’s library and honor Black History Month— and we’ve made it easy for you! We’ve selected 13 powerful children’s books for Black History Month to enrich and empower young readers everywhere.

From accounts of the civil rights movement to biographies of contemporary icons, these stories span several centuries worth of history. Start reading them for free on the BookSmart app!

*If a book link doesn’t work, open BookSmart on your device and search for the title. Reading on a desktop? Click on the book link and then on the ‘start reading’ button. Some books may not be available in your region.

Molly, by Golly!

Molly, by Golly! By Dianne Ochiltree

Published by Calkins Creek (Astra Publishing House)

Ever dreamed of being a firefighter? Here is the story of Molly Williams, an African American cook for New York City’s Fire Company 11 who is considered to be the first known female firefighter in US history. Award: Florida Book Awards Bronze Medal in the Children’s Literature category, 2012

► Read it here.

The Teachers March!: How Selma’s Teachers Changed History by Sandra Neil Wallace, Rich Wallace

Published by Calkins Creek (Astra Publishing House)

This is an exciting tribute to the educators who participated in the 1965 Selma Teachers’ March, demonstrating the power of protest and standing up for a just cause.

► Read it here.

The Scoop on Inventors

The Scoop on Inventors by Mon Trice

Published by Room to Read

Dré is sad that he didn’t learn about any African American inventors during a lesson on inventions at school. But when he and Daddy prepare for Mommy’s birthday party, Daddy shows him all the helpful, everyday items African Americans invented.

► Read it here.

Barack Obama: The First African American President Book CoverObama Cover

Barack Obama: The First African American President by Maya Cady

Published by Highlights

Chances are you’ve heard of Barack Obama, the 44th and first African American president of the United States. But do you know who he was before he became president? Learn all about how Obama became the important figure that he is today in this beginner picture book.

► Read it here.

The Civil Rights Act Book Cover

The Civil Rights Act by Sarah Kovatch

Published by Highlights

Sarah Kovatch’s book is a wonderful resource for teaching young readers about Black history. This insightful text will answer all your questions about segregation and civil rights acts while giving an in-depth look at the people and efforts that outlawed discrimination in public spaces and the workplace. 

► Read it here

Ground Breaking Scientists Book Cover

Groundbreaking Scientists by J.P. Miller

Published by Crabtree

Check out these Black icons in science who changed the world, including astronaut Mae Jemison, inventor George Washington Carver, and many more exciting men and women.

► Read it in English here.

► Leer en español aquí.

Martin Luther King Jr. Book Cover

Martin Luther King Jr. by Izzi Howell

Published by Crabtree

This is the story of the incredible Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life. Martin Luther King Jr. makes King’s battle for racial equality in the U.S. and powerful legacy accessible to readers of all ages. 

► Read it in English here.

► Leer en español aquí.

Maya Angelou Book Cover

Maya Angelou by Izzi Howell

Published by Crabtree

Maya Angelou is one of the most famous and influential African American writers in history. But writing was only a very small part of her life. This short biography takes readers on a journey from Angelou’s childhood in Arkansas to her critical role in the civil rights movement to her exciting experience in the entertainment industry. 

► Read it in English here.

► Leer en español aquí.

Rising Above Slavery Book Cover

Rising Above Slavery by Linda Trice

Published by Highlights

Rising Above Slavery celebrates the life of African American hero Harriet Tubman who led countless enslaved people to freedom. Tubman’s central role in the Underground Railroad will inspire readers of all ages and backgrounds to be brave and fight oppression. 

► Read it in English here.

► Leer en español aquí.

Rosa Parks: Sit Down for Freedom Book Cover

Rosa Parks: Sit Down for Freedom by Joy E. Dickerson

Published by Highlights

In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger. Her actions shaped the course of Black history. Read all about her life story and impactful work for freedom in this inspiring chapter book.

► Read it in English here.

► Leer en español aquí.

Separate Is Not Equal: Brown versus Board of Education Book Cover

Separate Is Not Equal: Brown Versus Board of Education by Reyna Eisenstark

Published by Highlights

Separate Is Not Equal: Brown Versus Board of Education takes readers through one of the biggest milestones in African American history: the end of segregation in schools in the United States. Aside from teaching readers about key historical events, this chapter book is also a great resource for initiating challenging conversations about segregation and racism. 

► Read it here.

Black History Month Children's Book Sports Heroes Cover

Sports Heroes by J.P. Miller

Published by Crabtree

The stories of ten legendary Black athletes who battled discrimination and accomplished the impossible in their respective sports. These biographies offer powerful Black role models that all children can look up to as well as valuable opportunities to discuss how racism still affects our world today. 

► Read it in English here.

► Leer en español aquí.

A Step Towards Freedom Book Cover

A Step Toward Freedom by Katherine Follett

Published by Highlights

A Step Toward Freedom follows the tireless efforts and crucial role of Louisa Watts, a young African American woman, in the suffrage movement. Louisa’s story is guaranteed to captivate and inspire all readers, especially girls of color. 

► Read it here.

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