
Worldreader India Case Study


Worldreader and NISA empowered families to read on BookSmart for 75 days in celebration of India's independence by providing reading opportunities during the summer holidays. The 75-Day Reading Marathon saw over 8,000 parents and caregivers read with their children every day.

Findings from Read to Kids India Digital Reading Program


Findings from Read to Kids India Digital Reading Program

Worldreader, in collaboration with Society for All-Round Development (SARD), designed and deployed a Read to Kids digital reading program, which focused on improving early reading development with an emphasis on increased teacher, parental, and caregiver engagement.

Shreyan Ghosh


Shreyan Ghosh

As Worldreader’s Senior Cloud Engineer, Shreyan is responsible for the successful production and deployment of projects. He does this using cloud services to solve business challenges while helping our products and services get to the market rapidly. He has over eight years of IT experience in various fields including support and operations, system administration, and … Continue Reading →