
“Family Engagement Must Be at the Center” – A Conversation with Rebecca Chandler Leege


Rebecca Chandler Leege CEO of Worldreader

After serving as Chief Impact Officer for five years, Rebecca Chandler Leege was appointed CEO of Worldreader. With more than 25 years of leadership experience across education, child protection, and gender sectors, Rebecca led Worldreader to serve over 300,000 readers in 2023, reaching 22 million readers since the organization’s foundation. In this interview, she shares … Continue Reading →

7 Must-Read Fiction Books for 2024


Must-Read Fiction Book Covers

Find the best children’s books to read in 2024 on BookSmart – embrace a new year of adventure, self-discovery, and laughs with these seven must-read fiction books. A new year often marks the start of new beginnings, dreams, and opportunities. Whether we hope to conquer our fears, discover our passions, or learn more about life … Continue Reading →

Raising Readers Phase 1 Final Report


Deploying design-based, mixed-methods research, the EdTech Hub study Raising Readers (Phase 1) explores how BookSmart can be best used to strengthen parent and carer engagement with children’s reading in Kenya.

6 Books to Help Children Foster Kindness


Book Covers

Celebrate World Kindness Day by helping children learn to be kind and inspiring compassion in every chapter of their lives with these six books. Kindness is everywhere. From holding a door open for a stranger to caring for a loved one, there are endless opportunities to be kind each day. In order to grow, we … Continue Reading →

Top 2023 Books Read by Worldreaders


Book covers

Check out some of our favorite stories on BookSmart from our staff around the world! If there’s one thing we love at Worldreader, it’s books! That’s why this holiday season, we’ve collected some of our favorite books for you to read with your family. Our staff from all over the world have shared the BookSmart … Continue Reading →

The Childhood Cost Calculator


The Center for Universal Education (CUE) at Brookings has published the "The Childhood Cost Calculator: A simple tool for costing interventions for children and youth". Worldreader staff, Wendy Smith and Leslie Tettey, are co-authors.