
How to use BookSmart (in Hindi) — BookSmart ऐप कैसे प्रयोग करें


BookSmart परिजनों और देखरेख करने वालों को अपने मोबाइल फोन से एक लाइब्रेरी तक ऐक्‍सेस प्रदान करती है ताकि जब शारीरिक स्कूल सत्र ना हो तो वे अपने बच्चों के अध्‍ययन में सहायता कर सकें। इस वीडियो में, आपको अपने बच्चों के साथ पढ़ने के तरीके, ऐप का प्रयोग करने, एकाउंट बनाने, लाइब्रेरी ब्राउज करने, ऑफलाइन पढ़ने के लिए पुस्तकों को सहेजने, अपने फोंट और रंग की वरीयताओं को अनुकूलित करने आदि के बारे में सुझाव मिलेंगे! आज से पर पढ़ना शुरू करें।

How to use BookSmart (in Arabic) — كيفية استخدام تطبيق Booksmart


يمنح تطبيق BookSmart كلًا من الأباء ومقدمي الرعاية إمكانية الوصول إلى مكتبة من هواتفهم المحمولة حتى يتمكنوا من دعم تعليم أطفالهم عندما يكون التواجد الجسدي للمدارس غير ممكن. في هذا الفيديو، ستجد نصائح عن كيفية القراءة مع أطفالك، وستتعلم كيفية الوصول إلى التطبيق، وإنشاء حساب، وتصفح المكتبة، وحفظ الكتب للقراءة في وضع عدم الاتصال بالإنترنت، وتخصيص الخط وتفضيلات الألوان، والمزيد غيرها! ابدأ بالقراءة اليوم على

How to use BookSmart (in Spanish) — Cómo usar BookSmart


BookSmart da acceso a padres y cuidadores a una biblioteca de libros desde sus teléfonos móviles para que puedan apoyar el aprendizaje de sus hijos mientras las escuelas están cerradas. En este vídeo, obtendrá consejos sobre cómo leer con sus hijos, aprender a acceder a la aplicación, crear una cuenta, explorar la biblioteca, guardar libros para leer sin conexión, personalizar sus preferencias de fuente y color, ¡y mucho más! Empieza a leer ahora en

Worldreader Kids | eNGLISH


The Worldreader Kids - Tuta Tuta mobile app allows parents and caregivers to access 250 free high-quality Arabic and English books for all children up to 12 years of age. Worldreader worked with leading Arabic children’s publishers to bring together a collection of storybooks for children that helps develop reading skills, fosters imagination and opens a diverse collection of books to families previously unable to afford books. The Worldreader Kids - Tuta Tua app is promoted via an innovative mobile reading program designed to encourage frequent reading to young children in Jordan which launched in 2018.

Worldreader Kids – Hindi


The Worldreader Kids app is a reading app designed for parents and caregivers to give them the tools needed to read to and with their children. It offers over 500 free children's books in Hindi, English and Arabic from over 30 publishers such as Pratham Books, Tulika, DK Publishers and Pearson.

Worldreader Kids | توتة توتة


The Worldreader Kids - Tuta Tuta mobile app allows parents and caregivers to access 250 free high-quality Arabic and English books for all children up to 12 years of age. Worldreader worked with leading Arabic children’s publishers to bring together a collection of storybooks for children that helps develop reading skills, fosters imagination and opens a diverse collection of books to families previously unable to afford books. The Worldreader Kids - Tuta Tua app is promoted via an innovative mobile reading program designed to encourage frequent reading to young children in Jordan which launched in 2018.

Read to Kids program in Delhi: a mother’s story


Read to Kids is an early childhood program that seeks to promote pre-literacy skills by encouraging parents, caregivers and teachers to read to and with their young children (age 0-8). The program empowers them to do so by giving them access and providing training to use Worldreader's Read to Kids mobile app, a free digital library of high quality, locally relevant books and educational materials.

Creating 12 African Children’s Books in 12 hours with Book Dash


Launched in 2014, Book Dash aims to make fun, quality books available to children who cannot afford them with a goal of providing every child in South Africa with 100 books by the age of five. Worldreader, together with the Goethe Institut, sponsored the first pan-African event of Book Dash. The event included six authors and six illustrators from Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Togo, Zimbabwe, and Uganda.

Read to Kids program in Delhi: a teacher’s story.


Read to Kids is an early childhood program that seeks to promote pre-literacy skills by encouraging parents, caregivers and teachers to read to and with their young children (age 0-8). The program empowers them to do so by giving them access and providing training to use Worldreader's Read to Kids mobile app, a free digital library of high quality, locally relevant books and educational materials.